Tag Archives: EU

Christianos esse non licet

“It is forbidden to be a Christian.”

This was a law made by the insane Emperor Nero in and around 64 A.D. While all other laws were later repealed, this one was the only one that was never officially repealed and remained in force in the Roman Empire for more than two hundred and fifty years.

Since Christianity taught obedience to lawful authorities, one would not have thought that the Roman emperors would become alarmed about it. The fact is, however, that it clashed not only with the moral standards of the day, but also with the emperor worship and the official pagan worship.

The Irish Government is bringing in a Civil Partnership Bill which is a direct attack upon freedom of conscience and religion. READ MORE The Bill imposes a €2,000 fine and up to six months imprisonment on a registrar who refuses to facilitate a civil partnership. Owners of guesthouses and B&B establishments might also be subject to penalty according to some of Ireland most senior evangelical leaders. The leaders pointed out that their sincerely held religious beliefs meant that they could not cooperate in any way with same-sex civil unions and are calling on the Minister

“to move to protect freedom of conscience and religion for Christians employed in the registry service and hospitality sector.”

Despite repeated calls, Justice Minister Dermot Ahern has refused to insert a clause into the Bill to protect freedom of conscience or religion. Obviously he has his orders from the HQ in Strasbourg.

“We are facing the imposition of an ideology that prohibits dissent”

says Gregor Puppinck, director of the European Center for Law and Justice. READ MORE

In 2007 Manuel Barosso, the president of the EU Commission said the following:

“Sometimes I like to compare the EU as a creation to the organisation of the empires. The empires! Because we have a dimension of empires! ……We have the first non-imperial empire.”


They have already made laws to remove crucifixes from all public places. What will they replace them with – statues of Nero or the pagan gods they worship?

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Filed under European Politics, Ireland